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Flights of Fancy, Souls of Grace ~ An Evening with Richie Davis
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Psst! If you are thinking ahead about gifts to exchange for the holidays... How about sharing a book about Franklin County that highlights details that are often overlooked?
"Flights of Fancy, Souls of Grace" is the third book in a reporter’s trilogy of journalistic portraits of extraordinary lives, published originally in The Recorder newspaper.
At the Arms Library on 10/19, hear stories from former reporter Richie Davis, who, for the better part of four decades, wrote stories highlighting the unique people of our county. He will share stories of "who we have been," and "who we are" at 6:30 p.m. at Arms Library in Shelburne Falls on 10/19.
Books will be available for purchase. The author has graciously agreed to sign copies after the reading. The Arms Library is accessible via the lower level back entrance.